Sex Stories That Are Really Embarrassing: 11 People Share Their Funniest True Sex Stories

Have you ever had an embarrassing moment in the bedroom? You're not alone! From unexpected interruptions to cringe-worthy mishaps, real people have shared their most awkward sex stories. These laugh-out-loud moments will have you in stitches and remind you that we're all human. Get ready to cringe and chuckle at these 11 hilariously awkward sex stories. Check out the full list here for a good laugh and a dose of real-life hilarity.

Sex is a natural and beautiful part of life, but let's be real - sometimes things don't go as planned. Whether it's a hilarious miscommunication or an unexpected interruption, embarrassing moments in the bedroom are all too common. To show that we've all been there, we've collected 11 of the funniest true sex stories that people have shared.

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The Awkward Silence

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One person shared a story about a particularly awkward moment during a one-night stand. As things were heating up, they suddenly realized that their partner had fallen asleep mid-act. Not knowing what to do, they awkwardly waited for their partner to wake up and then quietly made their exit.

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The Unexpected Interruption

Another person shared a story about a steamy encounter that was interrupted by an unexpected guest. As they were getting intimate, their partner's pet cat decided to jump onto the bed and join in on the action. Needless to say, the mood was completely ruined.

The Slippery Situation

One person shared a story about a particularly slippery encounter in the shower. As things were getting hot and heavy, they accidentally slipped and fell, taking down the shower curtain and making a huge mess. They ended up having to explain the situation to their landlord, who was less than impressed.

The Cringe-Worthy Comment

Another person shared a story about an embarrassing comment that they made during a moment of passion. As things were getting intense, they accidentally blurted out a cringe-worthy comment that completely killed the mood. They spent the rest of the night trying to recover from the awkward moment.

The Unfortunate Soundtrack

One person shared a story about a hilarious soundtrack that played during a particularly intimate moment. As things were heating up, their partner's phone rang and the ringtone happened to be a cheesy love song. They couldn't help but burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

The Miscommunication Mishap

Another person shared a story about a miscommunication that led to an embarrassing moment. As they were trying out a new position, they accidentally misinterpreted their partner's instructions and ended up in a very awkward and uncomfortable position. They both ended up laughing it off, but it was definitely a cringe-worthy moment.

The Inopportune Interruption

One person shared a story about an embarrassing interruption that happened at the worst possible moment. As they were getting intimate, their partner's roommate unexpectedly walked in on them. The awkward silence that followed was enough to kill the mood for the rest of the night.

The Wardrobe Malfunction

Another person shared a story about a wardrobe malfunction that led to an embarrassing moment. As they were undressing, they accidentally got their shirt stuck over their head and struggled to get it off. It was a hilarious and embarrassing moment that they still laugh about to this day.

The Unfortunate Timing

One person shared a story about a particularly embarrassing moment that happened at the worst possible time. As they were getting intimate, they suddenly felt a sneeze coming on and ended up sneezing right in their partner's face. It was a cringe-worthy moment that they still can't live down.

The Slip of the Tongue

Another person shared a story about an embarrassing slip of the tongue that happened during a moment of passion. As they were whispering sweet nothings to their partner, they accidentally called them by the wrong name. It was a mortifying moment that they still cringe about to this day.

The Unfortunate Accident

One person shared a story about a particularly embarrassing accident that happened during a moment of passion. As they were getting intimate, they accidentally knocked over a glass of water, spilling it all over the bed. It was a hilarious and embarrassing moment that they still laugh about to this day.


Embarrassing moments in the bedroom are a part of life, and these stories prove that we've all been there. Whether it's an awkward silence, an unexpected interruption, or a cringe-worthy comment, these stories show that sex isn't always smooth sailing. So the next time you find yourself in an embarrassing situation, just remember that you're not alone. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to look back and laugh about it.